
We've received the Yearbook and are very happy with it. Before we go into the details on next year's Yearbook (so soon?!) I'd just like to say a huge thank you to all of you for the endless amount of patience and all the flexibility you've given us in order to get things done in time. We really appreciate it. It is a 1.8kg success that could not have happened without you. Hopefully, now that Hawa and I are more familiar with the process and the system, we won't be such a thorn in your sides next time around (although we all know yearbooks are painful so no promises). Anyway, thank you all very much.

The planners came in today.  They look great.  I’m very pleased with them.  I can’t wait to start using mine! I really love the cover.  The red pretty much matches last year’s exactly.  I can’t tell a difference.  The colors on the inside look great too. I still find the corners on the cover a bit sharp, but can live with that.  

Thank-you to the p; log team for working so hard to meet our graduation deadline and for arranging the books to be taken straight to the ceremony. The yearbook is hugely impressive and produced to a very high standard. Last year I had complaints at the graduation ceremony from some students as the pages were coming loose! So far, refreshingly, I have not received any complaints - all the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! In large part, this is due to your innovative online platform which enables mentors to design and proof their individual page and hence avoid previous mis-matches between students' photos and their names! I will be returning to the UK next year so will no longer be coordinating the yearbook, but given all the time and effort that has been invested in establishing this partnership and setting up our online platform, I hope that we can capitalise on this and explore some of the more advanced features, such as customised pages, next year!

As both middle school and high school of UWCSEA East are scheduling our photo-taking sessions in the early of November, we are planning to engage p;Log again for the publishing of our respective yearbooks. The response that we got from the students were good last year so therefore we decided that it is best to continue engaging you guys for the good service that we had.